Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Wait, what?
What are those fucking things floating around there?...Are those pink butterflies floating around? Bryer, why are you posed like a little...

Oh. Uh oh.
So that's it, huh Bryer?

You're fudge packers?

You don't think anybody could tell? My gaydar started vibrating noticeably but not powerfully when I saw this picture of you:
Pixie-ish, my Gaydar registered. Not conclusive.

But with the photo in red above and the recumbent photo my Gaydar made a foghorn sound. "CONFIRMED." And with the pink butterflies pic the Gaydar overloaded and started smoking. I think it's broke.

Okay...Okay...OKAY! So, that's settled. Now, that hat explains...What does that explain? Is this a Columbine like thing? Bryer, explain this to us. You're a mo. Bryer
                                                                                                           prob! Who cares?

So is Kam a mo, too? Cool!

But what the fuck, Bryer? Why are you two pink butterflies flitting all over western Canada whacking people and burning cars?