Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Trump Epidemic, March 24, 2:00 p.m.

The Johns Hopkins statisticians are back at their stations. 3,400 new confirmed cases in U.S. in last five hours. Fortunately, deaths of risen only by 7 to an even 600. Mortality is fallen to 1.20, the lowest level it has been since I have been tracking.

Surely we have the hospital capacity if needed, or can have it if necessary, to handle the 50,000 or even 100,000 ill with the knowledge that such a small percentage are mortally ill. This is not the goddamned plague. Why even test for this virus? It's mortality rate in the U.S. is no higher than it has been in the past for the common flu.

Release the hounds, they should never have been pent up. In. My. Opinion.