Monday, April 19, 2021

COVID-19 BIDEN+86 Complete

Oh lordy. The Quasi's do not yet have the H-numbers for April 16. They have partials for and through April 17, Biden+87, so we will do that in the next. post.

Not since 9:07 a.m. today has the New York Times updated its COVID-19 page. Thus, this is incomplete. It will be updated when available.

Changes from April. 3 to April 16

+8% Cases. Same as the Biden+85 iteration.
+9% Hospitalizations. Ditto.
-12% Deaths. Four points worse (yesterday's was -16%). 

Daily averages April 10-16 unless indicated

70,117 Cases. Down. Down ~600 Cases/day. The second iteration in a row it has been down.
44,938 Hospitalizations. Up.
750 Deaths. Identical to Biden+85. I don't know folks. That's probably wrong.
1.66%  D-H rate. Down
3,200,601 Vax (April 11-17) Down.

Herd Immunity Day

July 23. A week later than it was yesterday. Either or both of those is wrong...What am I going to do folks? This is so dispiriting. The United States does not do this well--tracking the virus. Initially we didn't test as much as we should have; we have always done an awful job of tracing, including of the new variants--there are only a few labs who analyze for the new variants; the tabulation of the numbers in the four categories is out-of-date--the CDC's numbers are backlogged; Johns Hopkins uses metrics that are just not helpful; the New York Times is the best we have and they have fallen down on the job. I don't know how public health policy can be set without timely, reliable counts of tests, cases (positive tests), hospitalizations, deaths, and vaccines.

President Biden Grade F

(August 16 Spanish Flu Conquest Day. Yesterday it was the 15th.)