Tuesday, April 27, 2021

COVID-19 BIDEN+98 (April 27)*

Changes April 14 to 27

-24% Cases. Massive decrease in Cases.
NA Hospitalizations
-5% Deaths. -5% is better than the last few days, but when you get infected, the virus moves quickly to Kill you. 

Daily averages April 21 through 27

53,803 Cases. Down.
44,015 Hospitalizations. Down.
696 Deaths. Down 10/per day for a week.
1.58% D-H rate.Up. That hurts.
What is going to kill the president's grade is Vaccinations, which have tailed off the last few iterations. Let's see:
2,717,062 Vax. Down. Yep.

Herd Immunity Day
Sept. 4 Back three days. Until (unless) POJO can vaccinate 3M/day HID is going to retreat farther from us. We haven't had 3M Vax in the last six iterations of this metric.

President Biden Grade C