Friday, April 30, 2021

The India Picture Horror Show

As the Covid-19 crisis spiraled out of control across India, the government announced that vaccination centers in Mumbai, India's largest city, were to close for three days from Friday.

The closure of the 94 centers was due to “non-availability of vaccine stock,” the municipal government said in a tweet on Thursday evening.

What are we to do about this?...It is a humanitarian calamity...1.3 billion people are at risk, are sickening, are dying...The Vice President of the United States is part Indian...100M Deaths are predicted by August... The Indian health care system is collapsing...Can the state be far behind? Is India just going to become a flood of regugees?...The cremation pyres burn 24/7 and grow larger, and larger, and provide the only light...They have run out of vaccine...They have a two-headed monster mutant. I'm sure the WHO is doing what it can...What of the UN? What do we do?...It is just overwhelming.