Tuesday, April 20, 2021


*Complete with the Quasi's update at 9:36 p.m. April 19.

10:05 p.m. April 19:

The last update to the NYT COVID webpage was last night at 9:28 p.m. There's no doubt they are not devoting the resources and personnel to this that they once did. Vaccinations are given their own separate page now, and apparently more resources. Vax are now updated through today, April 19.Below, all that we have so far for BIDEN+88.

Changes April 5-18

+5%  Cases. Down.
+11% Hospitalizations. Same as at BIDEN+87.
-8% Deaths. Worse by four points. 

Average Daily Cases April 12 through 18 unless indicated

67,465 Cases. That is down a significant 1.6k/day from BIDEN+87.
45,695 NA Hospitalizations. Up.
753 Deaths. Up.
1.64% NA D-H rate. Down.
3,127,038 NA Vax April 13-19. Down.

Herd Immunity Day

July 30 NA Wow, how weird. Five days later than it was yesterday. That is the most distant HID has been since the undersigned began tracking it. 

President Biden Grade F

(August 17 Spanish Flu Conquest Day. One day later than on BIDEN+87.)