Friday, April 23, 2021



4/22 10:18 p.m.
Mr. President, your undersigned BFF got his ownself fully vaccinated today. 

Have you ever been to Barnesboro?

Changes April 9-22

-6% Cases.
+7% Hospitalizations.
-2% Deaths.

Man. Cases two points improved; H's one, and Deaths one. That's a good two weeks.

7-day daily averages April 16-22

61,901 Cases. Down.

Feel that wave? Me neither. POJO! POJO! POJO! We luv you Mr. President.

45,661 Hospitalizations. DOWN! The Quasi's have rationalized their COVID pages. The have all the metrics (or the link to Vax) on one page now and present the 14-day changes in the logical, C-H-D, order, rather than the irrational C-D-H. They still lag in H's but all of the other stats are presented the day of. They've really improved.
719 Deaths. Down. O! O! O! O! Ah.
1.57% D-H rate.UP! FUCK YOU D-H!
2,995,724 Vax. UP. When I got vaccine-1 there was a terrific line of cars. Today, no line. There were so few people I thought it was a Miami "Marlins" baseball game.

Herd Immunity Day

I knew it. Fucking Grand Old Plague'rs. Aug. 15. Back six days.

President Biden Grade C.

(August 17 Spanish Flu Conquest Day. Same as on BIDEN+91. SFCD and HID are converging. They're almost identical. That makes sense given OathEaters resistance. HID and SFCD are two very similar ways of measuring the same thing.)