Wednesday, September 15, 2021

Lefties Pissed at Evita


You know what the difference is between Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and other Reds? She has fun. She can laugh and dance and gets invited to these big wig shindigs and is the talk of the town in her pure white gown with Internationale red "Tax the Rich" lettering and Lefties still get pissed. It's that she went at all. Beautiful, young, charismatic, photogenic, the most courageous public figure in American politics, a CONGRESSWOMAN (!), WITH IDEAS (!), FROM NEW YORK CITY (!) goes to the RE-opening of NEW YORK CITY'S (!) premier cultural event and the Left snorts. 

Have you ever been to a Red or even a Pink political meeting? They are the most dreary fucking events, everybody is angry, everybody wants to guillotine the billionaires (...which, it's an idea), everybody looks like Bernie Sanders or Andrea Dworkin, everybody is purer than thou, especially if you're a white male, especially an old one of those, it's so hostile and this is the main point, they are so goddamned serious. Nobody has fun. I have had this thought more than once, the idea of telling a joke, of laughing...dude, dudette, the silence would suffocate life's breath right out of you. So that is AOC's great sin, she can dance and laugh and be pretty and have fun. "Not on my watch." Ah, you, go lay down and take a powder. Rep. Ocasio-Cortez, keep on keeping on. You are perfect.