Tuesday, December 14, 2021

"He had ugly, black patches under his eyes."

Yesterday I posted William Shirer's description of Adolph Hitler at Godesberg, before his conference with Neville Chamberlain. Maybe I am making too much of this, what with all the tic-ing and jerking and carpet-chewing in that description but I elided over Shirer's words in the title to this post.

Have you ever heard dark circles under the eyes described as "patches"?How uncommon? Well, to test that I did what any red-blooded American would do, I googled both "black circles eyes" and "black patches eyes."

Those are fucking patches!

These are fucking circles!

There's a fucking difference. It's like The Exorcist again! where Regan broke out in weird blemishes, and sores, on her body. William Shirer was thoroughly American, he knew "patches" was not common usage for "circles". Why did he resort to the awkward "patches" unless he intended to make a distinction?