Really disheartened that my betters among my brother bettors affirmed—on the same day too!—my reasonable (but difficult to entertain) doubts that the “Heat” is Team February rather than a serious Finals contendah. Fourth. Essentially they made us the four seed in the East by giving us the fourth best odds to win the conference. Fourth means you’re the last team to have home court advantage in the first round of the L’offs and have the closest matchup against the five team. At four you are in danger of being one-and-done and if you survive you get to play one.
The only team in the East I actually fear is BKLYN and them only because of KD. Kevin is the most clutch player in the league, don’t you think? K-Dagger. Gawd, he’s been hitting those kill shots forever. Kyrie can be great but in him and Baby Ben the “Nets” have the two meltingest snowflakes in the league. I have belief that the “Heat” can handle “Male Deer”, “Male Cows”, “7’6”’ers, anybody but a healthy BKLYN with extra pacifiers.