Sunday, July 30, 2023


The [superseding] indictment additionally accuses Trump of allegedly possessing the classified document that he was previously heard discussing during a meeting at his Bedminster, New Jersey, golf club on July 21, 2021. 

When the first MAL indictment came down I mused in print about plausible defenses for Trumpie on that one document. What if there was no such document? What if he was just bragging and didn't have the document? I mused. After all, it sounds like something he'd do, right? In fact, that was one of the first things Trumpie said, that he was just bragging, that the document didn't exist. 

There was uncertainty about the contents of that one document. Trumpie said on the audio recording that "Milley" authored the document. Milley said he authored no such thing. In another place on audio Trumpie says "the military" wrote it for him. Then there were reports that a year or so earlier another guy in "the military" did author such a report, proposing strikes on Iran. 

After thinking it through I wrote that it was immaterial, Trumpie manifestly had classified docs he had no right having and Jack Smith recovered hundreds; the audio, whether Trumpie had the one doc or not or if it ever existed, showed consciousness of guilty. But it would be a good thing if Jack Smith had the one document! 

The intro to Counts 1-32 contains this:

 ...TRUMP , without authorization, retained at The Mar-a-Lago Club documents relating to the national defense, including the following:

Document 20 in the superseding indictment, Count 32, refers to a document that reads like it is the one document, on an Iran attack.

January 20, 2021-August 8, 2022
20 TOP SECRET// [redacted]//ORCON/NOFORN
Undated document concerning timeline and details of attack in a foreign country.

Because it's Top Secret even the document attached to the indictment is redacted and the bare summary above is for the same reason bare bones. But is the only document summarized as "details of attack in a foreign country."

Thus, the above excerpt from Saloon is important.