Sunday, July 30, 2023

When I told a federal prosecutor that I had read that Jack Smith brought the MAL docs case in Florida because he thought that the evidence was so overwhelming that even a jury selected from MAL membership rolls would convict him, the fed said,

"I would say this to him: Orenthal James Simpson."

Excellent analogy. Seemingly insurmountable evidence in both cases. The L.A. D.A. office could have brought it in Brentwood but wanted the validation of the community in downtown L.A. Trumpie has "shoot a man on 5th Avenue loyalty", more than O.J. had in the L.A. Black community.

Trumpie's best defenses are, in chronological order, 1) Get a jury of Trump supporters,--they lie! They'll say they can convict him if the evidence is there, but they won't,--even one, the Lone Holdout and a hung jury. 2) Get the trial postponed until after the election, win, and then have his DOJ dismiss the case if pending, or pardon himself if already convicted.