Saturday, May 25, 2024

Jack Smith Taking Aim at Loose Cannon?

According to this report, I assume there are others, Smith’s predicate move was to ask Cannon for a gag order on Trump for statements Trump made that the FBI was going to kill him during their search warrant at MAL. Smith filed that motion on Friday. He anticipates that Cannon will deny his motion, and that will be his grounds to take the case to the 11th Circuit Court of Appeals in Atlanta to get Cannon removed.

That is the take of simpatico lawyers/observers, and I hope that they are correct. I have read Smith’s motion, I believe that Cannon is corrupt, and it’s my opinion that Cannon, because she is corrupt and wants to kill this case by neglect, will narrowly grant the motion, or defer ruling as she has done on so many other motions. I think that she is corrupt enough not to fall into Smith’s trap, if that is what it is, and I don’t think that it is, there are eminent grounds for the gag order. But whether on the merits or because she fears a trap, I think she will not give Smith grounds to take her up.