Saturday, May 25, 2024



March 23:

That same year my ex-sister in law texted my (second) ex-wife, myself, and my son, that the wayward nephew had received certain certificates of merit at school, including one for effort in phys ed. My former s-i-l thanked us as proof that "a little kindness" goes a long way. My (second) ex-wife and I responded with effuse congratulations to the boy. I went a step further. "Is there some small gift I could send him?"  She answered with a list of his wants and I ordered a plasma ball or something, it was a plasma something, from Amazon. I asked my form s-i-l for his address and had it sent directly to him.

He didn't respond.

After a few weeks, and concerned that maybe there was some fatality in the conveyance of the gift from Amazon to the boy, I inquired via text of my ex sister-in-law. "Oh yes! He received it."

He never responded.

I did precisely the same thing a few days ago for the identically-aged son of a former client who just graduated from middle school into high school. After asking his mother I ordered a toy for him from Amazon. It was delivered early, today. I got a response:

hi uncle Benjamin

I received the package this is Owen’s Thank you so much for this

I’m really happy you sent me this

Thanks again😁😁😁

I, of course, was thrilled.

Oh, I am so happy! You are so welcome, Owen. I am so PROUD of you!

That is manners.