Thursday, May 02, 2024

Paper Moon Alvin Sargent Sept. 1, 1972 Screenplay, cont.

The story has always been fraught: a 30-something man on a long road trip with a 9 year-old girl committing petty crime. 

"Her little face". 

Pages later in the script:

"Addie's little head".

Especially if he is not her father.  Staying in the same rooms together. Very southern. Pervy. Addie, and real life Tatum, smoking cigarettes and inhaling deeply. Lounging around in her underwear. "Flirtation Walk". Whaddya mean by playing Flirtation Walk? Addie posing and vamping in the mirror in her underwear. I looked for a gif of that, I was sure I would find it, it is the most adorable and memorable scene in the movie for audiences. A gif is not available! It has been 51 years since I saw this movie in a theater so I cannot be sure but my recollection is that the film was criticized for being exploitative of Tatum O'Neal. You can see how the censors could get very squeamish. Here is a scene that was deleted: