Wednesday, June 12, 2013


Well, folks it looks like I'm an "outlier" again. Polls show Americans are half yawning about PRISM and Verizon. Thomas L. Friedman comes down on the side of the "the pink police state," (despite having written long before the disclosures that "we probably overreacted to 9/11/01"), nobody wants to perform the Stolnick Maneuver on Dianne Feinstein. And of course Teflon Obama has escaped again. The most notable exception to this emerging "narrative" is the New York Times Editorial Board which continues to broadcast what I blogcast.

And of course I am unbowed. I am, admittedly, "often wrong, always certain" and so I believe I am right and will fight this in ways I have hinted at recently but which strategy is admittedly half-
baked and I will fulminate and continue to blogcast. If I have an ideological tilt it seems alas, toward windmills. At least Friedman confirmed my accusation that he is a scaredy cat. He fears above all "another 9/11" and is, "reluctantly" he says, going pink as least bad alternative.

And I can't sleep and that's going to poison my keyboard tomorrow, I suspect.
Oh well.

Good night NSA yawners and sleepers. I do hope to join you soon in semi-conscious obliviousness for a few hours.