Sunday, June 30, 2013

US Bugging Europe.

No more question mark. The Guardian has confirmed US operations on the EU, French, Greek, Italian, Japanese, Mexican, South Korean, Indian and Turkish embassies in Washington but weirdly, not the German, Spiegel's angle.

Watergate? That was purely domestic and clearly criminal. This is infinitely worse for being international, that we bug, wiretap, our allies for Godssake, infinitely more threatening to America's place in the world, but not, seemingly, domestically criminal, none less harmful for not being criminal. How is this non-criminal? Is it not against American law to wiretap? It's legal if you get a court order.  But that's for domestic wiretapping. These were embassies, sovereign foreign territory. Whose laws apply?  I don't know. Who approved the application for the court order. Main Justice, presumably. Ultimately the president. What were Holder and Obama thinking? America is out of control.