Sunday, January 18, 2015

In doing researches into the "Great Pumpkin Commonwealth" the undersigned has determined to his satisfaction that the images below are of giant pumpkins. Really big ones. Further, the undersigned has determined that in 2011 I believe it was, but if not, one of those other years, the giantist pumpkin in the history of the G.P.C. was grown in Northern Cambria. :o Which I don't believe Volina, Tevar Obast, Russia can say the same thing.

The undersigned recognizes the venue for the GPC weigh-in or whatever as the Bi-Lo (Get it, Bi-Lo=Buy Low?) Supermarket which the undersigned thought was the IGA Supermarket but they must have changed the name like they did Barnesboro which replaced the A&P Supermarket which burned down. The undersigned does not recognize the guy or the pumpkin and knew nothing about the GPC until just now when he did his researches but the first image above reminded the undersigned of this:

That giant matzoh ball is actually a giant pumpkin. It was grown neither in Northern Cambria nor in Yolina but somewheres in China and that is not the Bi-Lo nor the IGA nor the A&P but Beijing. That pumpkin was not grown for the GPC but for the suspiciously similarly sounding GLF or Great Leap Forward (1958-1960). The undersigned does not know if there was any Chinese influence present in the Bi-Lo parking lot but he finds it suspicious that both photographs depict pumpkins grown during "Greats." The undersigned will do further researches into this matter. 

The undersigned then recollected certain other photographs from the GLF, the one in China. For example, this one of a homegrown atomic bomb, excuse me, watermelon.

Huge shocks of wheat shoosting out of the ground they're so healthy and energetic.

A large potato. From which one can see the Bi-Lo Supermarket.

Onion, or uncircumcised penis. Large. 

Some cabbage or something. With kids reading on its leaves.

Cotton? I don't know. 

Now except for the Chinese lady that could be the Bi-Low, excuse me, Bi-Lo.

Need I go on I think not. Alls I know is...Well, you'd have to be a complete MO-RON not to see. Alls I know is there ought to be, imo, a full blown INVESTIGATION into this People's Republic of Giant Pumpkins--and into the Bi-Lo parking lot--for potential--potential--communistic infiltration and influence. And if they ever "expand" if you catch my drift and I think you do into watermelons or cauliflower OR WHATEVER...Well, need I go on I think not.