Sunday, October 18, 2015

I am so upset. This can affect one's self image, it can. You grow up in a state where:

1. one of the three major public universities is known for being located in a ghetto.
2. a second is the World Leader in child molestation.
3. a notorious baby murderess is buried under a respectful tombstone in a public cemetery.
4. acid mine drainage is considered "art."
5. your hometown was so small it doesn't even exist anymore by that name, which really pisses you off and which said new name you refuse to acknowledge.
6. the river that runs through your home town is referred to as the Shit Creek down which you your ownself saw a turd float by followed close behind by toilet paper whilst you were on your newspaper route as an impressionable youngen and which did make an impression which you cannot get out of your mind 50 years later.
7. one president has been produced and he, James Buchanan.
8. Johnstown Flood I.
9. Johnstown Flood II
10. Johnstown Flood III.

I says it can bum one out, it can.