Tuesday, October 30, 2018

Erik the Great tried to turn the "Heat" into Run TMC last night. He wanted to try the "Heat" out at the new, vogue, NBA "pace." That's the reason for the pinball score of 123-113. That's the reason the "Kinks" shot 49%. That's the reason Miami got the L.

Erik is a tinkerer. He tinkers. He's like one of those guys in Barnesboro who was forever tearing apart and rebuilding his car. Let's see what happens if I hook the radio up to the exhaust. He did that last year with Hassan. He wanted Hassan to be something other than what he was. What happened last night is the defense ran out of "gas" playing at this stylish pace. Does he have ADD? Just stop. You've got a savvy but old point guard. You've got one of the GREAT big men left in the modern NBA. The first can't run at that pace anymore; the second you shouldn't want to run up and down the court. You want him planted right in the paint blocking those greyhounds like a brick wall. You into cars? Go tinker on that. Don't tinker with this team.