Tuesday, October 23, 2018

The 133rd Pennsylvania Regiment at Fredericksburg. III*


Blues and Grays say hello to James Thompson, ex-Pa 133rd corporal. One of the first identified photos of a Pa 133rd soldier. I say "ex" because unless I am very much mistaken James is not wearing his government-issued uni there. He looks like a lawyer, especially with the book on the table. The back of the photo says:

The photo was undoubtedly taken sometime after the war. But not too awfully long afterwards I don't think because James still looks young. Still available for purchase on Ebay if any descendant or friend of the 133rd is interested! I would give my right nut for a photo of Sgt. Bracken.

Saturday January 14, 2017, 8: 34 PM

last I checked--Sheesh, I bet about a year ago.--the little regiment that Time forgot, the 133rd Pennsylvania, has its own Wikipedia page.

133rd Pennsylvania Infantry

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

*Update. There were so many posts here on this subject that I began grouping them so that I could keep track. Then the group posts became so long that they took up the entire first page of this blog. So I broke up the groups and designated them by roman numerals. So, this will start the third "installment."