Saturday, January 25, 2020

Thanne were ther yonge povre knyghtes
Who challenged the knave
Willful they were and cunnig in their play,
And boldly they chuckled,
They'd risk their neck,
And make of Simpkin a cokewold
That he not steal another elect.

John was the oon, and Aleyn that oother;
This Aleyn maketh redy al his gere,
And on a donkey they cast off.
With good swerd and with buckler by their syde.
John knew the wey, - hem nedede no gyde, -
And at the Whit House they dropped their sacks
Aleyn spak first, "Al hayl, Simpkin, y-fayth!
Hou fares thy faire doghter and thy wyf?"