Saturday, January 25, 2020

Radix malorum est cupiditas

The wife came running from the house, and then
She said: "Alas! Your donkey went to the fen,
With the wild mares, as fast as he could go.
A curse lies on the hand that tied him so,
And him that better should have knit the reins!"
"Alas!" said John, "Alain, for Jesus' pains,
Lay down your sword, and I will mine also;
I am as fleet, God knows, as is a roe;
By God's heart, he shall not escape us both!

These goode knyghtes began to run and roll
Toward the marshes, both Alain and John.
And when Simpkin saw that they were gone,
He their gere did take
And bade his wife hide it away.
He said: "Those knyghtes some trickery never feared;
For all their learning; let them go away from here.
Look where they go, yea, let the children play,
They'll catch him not so easily, on my crown!"