Sunday, January 26, 2020

The New York Times is asking the Democrats questions again.

1.How would you handle a general-election debate against Trump? [like an MMA match]
2.Do you think the United States is a racist country? [Yes]
3.Do you think the next administration will need to investigate President Trump or members of his family? [No, they'll all be home in Mother Russia by then.]
4.What attributes would you look for in a running mate? [That (s)he not be my mate.]
5.Who is one foreign leader you admire? [Barack Obama]
6.What is the most important thing foreign leaders should know about you? [That I don't hang with people.]
7.Do you see Saudi Arabia as a U.S. ally? [No.]
8.Does the United States have a role to play in Hong Kong? [No.]
9.What is the most urgent economic challenge facing the United States today? [Capitalism.]
10.By what year do you think the U.S. needs to cut its carbon emissions to zero? [2020...No, 2021.]
11.Should vaping products be legal? [Only if we don't cut the price of generic nicotine gum.]
12.Would it be important to you to get Republican support for your agenda? [I'll just ask Putin.]
13.How would you judge whether your presidency was a success or a failure? [By whether I win the civil war.]
14.How would you make sure no one in your family tries to profit off your administration? [By not having a family.]
15.What is the last book you read? [The Canterbury Tales.]
16.Do you have a celebrity crush? [Yes, the Wife of Bath.]
17.Do you have a bad habit? [Do I get extended space to answer?]
18.What do you think your 18-year-old self would think of you now? [Old.]
19.What has been the most memorable moment of the campaign for you, so far? [Announcing.]
20.Do you think Barack Obama made any mistakes as president? [Who?]