This storm had split into two parts as it entered the Mississippi Valley; one part turned north to pass over the Great Lakes and crossed to New England; the other part drifted across Kentucky and Tennessee, where, aided by a southeast wind, the rain moved northward.
Sunday, May 30, 2021
1889, May 30
By May 30, rain began to fall in Kansas, Missouri, and Illinois.
On May 30 the government forecasters sent warnings of severe storms for the Middle and South Atlantic states.
This storm had split into two parts as it entered the Mississippi Valley; one part turned north to pass over the Great Lakes and crossed to New England; the other part drifted across Kentucky and Tennessee, where, aided by a southeast wind, the rain moved northward.
This storm had split into two parts as it entered the Mississippi Valley; one part turned north to pass over the Great Lakes and crossed to New England; the other part drifted across Kentucky and Tennessee, where, aided by a southeast wind, the rain moved northward.