Monday, May 31, 2021

-8:30 A.M., Lake Conemaugh

[S.F.F.H.C. member] D.W.C. Bidwell, who evidently had had enough of the soaking weekend at the lake, stopped to ask [Col. Elias J.] Unger [manager of S.F.F.H.C.] how things were going.

"Serious," answered Unger, who later that morning was heard to say that if the dam survived the day, he would see that major changes were made to insure that this sort of thing never happened again.  (Ibid 92)*

*”Serious”; “if the dam survived.” That is an ominous adjective and an ominous contingency, which Unger knew he could not ensure now. There was a failure by those associated with SFFHC to warn Johnstown throughout this cataclysmic day, in public tones that matched their private sentiments. By the time they did wires were down, it was too late in any event, and Johnstown was hit completely unawares. If at this hour, clear, unambiguous warnings had been sent down the valley by people like Unger in a position to know, Johnstown could have saved itself. They were not and it never had a chance.