Thursday, May 27, 2021

COVID-19 BIDEN+127 (May 27)

What to expect today? A comparable, mid high-30's, drop in Cases; mid-20's drop in Hospitalizations; mid high-teens drop in Deaths. Vaccinations are going to continue to lag badly. Let's see...

Changes over 14-days

-35% Cases.
-23% Hospitalizations.
-20% Deaths. WHOA! 20!

Daily averages last seven days

22,999 Cases. Down 163/day
27,504 Hospitalizations. Down ~440/day. 
So, Cases are falling much less rapidly in the last week than have Hospitalizations.
496 Deaths. That's going to be down. It has been in the lower half of the 500's. Yes, down 26/day from the Biden+126 iteration.
1.80% D-H rate. Down six one-hundredths.
Okay, here we go, Vax:
1,618,194 Vax. Yep, down about 83k/day. Running out of the available willing.

Herd Immunity (90%) Day

November 12. Oh hell, that's bad. Yeah, eleven days worse.

POJO should still get an A...

President Biden Grade...No: B. If he misses one of the seven-days and misses the extra-point of HID he's at 89.7. If he had kicked the extra point he would have had an A with 90.9.