Tuesday, May 25, 2021

COVID-19 BIDEN+125 (May 25)

Boy oh boy, I was just about to call it quits.

14-day changes

37% Cases. That's better. No, that's the same. Worse than BIDEN+123.
23% Hospitalizations. That's about the same. That's exactly the same.
12% Deaths. Oh boy, that's worse. By one point from BIDEN+123, which was two points worse than BIDEN+122. 
So things have stagnated. Hmmm.

7-day daily averages

24,034 Cases. Cases haven't stagnated in the last week anyway. Down 535/day (?).
28,499 Hospitalizations. Nor H's. Down almost 500/day. What is going on with Deaths? Are they up for the week?
543 Deaths. Down 24/day. I'm confused.
1.90% D-H rate. That's down! (right?). YES! Down five one-hundredths point. That's substantial. I've never been lost but I was mighty confused once for three days. I'm so damn tired I can't think straight.
1,750,524 Vax. Down (?) Yes, about 28k/day.

Herd Immunity (90%) Day

October 29. That's back a whole bunch of days...Two days.

President Biden Grade (pretty sure B) B
