Saturday, May 22, 2021

COVID Is Dying; Biden Is Holding a Smoking Gun

BIDEN+122 (May 22)

May 9-22 changes

-39% Cases. After -38% May 8-21, -36% May 7-20., -35% May 6-19. You cannot keep going with losses like that; in business you'd be bankrupt; an army with those killed and wounded in battle after battle, would be waving the white flag: a virus losing those immense chunks of hosts day after day after day cannot survive.
-22% Hospitalizations
-14% Deaths

Daily averages for week May 16 through May 22

25,689 Cases. Down 1.6k/day.
30,019 Hospitalizations. Down 749/day. Amazing.
578 Deaths. Down.
The D-H rate is going to be up tonight from last night. Deaths lag hospitalizations which lag new infections. The 39% fewer cases tonight will, cause the H's percentage to to fall. The H-rate of decline will cause, after delay, the D-rate to decline.
1.92% D-H rate. Up.
We are now at 49% of the total population partially vaccinated; 39% completely vaccinated. We long crossed San Francisco's threshold of 40% and are approaching 40% fully vaccinated. And what we have been seeing in the last maybe week is that the the virus does not remain robust until herd immunity is reached, not at 90% of the population, or 85%, or 70%. You begin to see the virus die at 40%+ vaccinations. We are right there right now.
1,872,697 Vaccinations. Down almost 7k/day.

Herd Immunity (90%) Day

October 22 advanced. Six day advanced. We’re seeing herd immunity, like rigor mortis in a fresh corpse, set in now, at 40%+.

President Biden Grade B

Mr. President, what you have done for the health of this country and its economy in 122 days is...amazing.