Friday, June 24, 2022

It is very rare [Umm, this is the first time EVER.] that SCOTUS overturns a right and this one held for 50 years. It shows how radical this court is. Period, new paragraph.

Abortion is not outlawed. It will now be state-by-state and about half have passed legislation all but outlawing it. In the rest it exists. As The Man’s laws always do this decision will affect marginalized women, the poor, the non-white, the young, the unschooled, grossly disproportionately.

Roe was jurisprudential low-hanging fruit, ripe for picking. “Penumbras and emanations”🙄. RBG her Notorious self wrote that the Court bit off more than it could chew. Liberal activists, legal scholars, even some abortion-rights activists were dismayed.

My (second, unfortunate) ex-wife’s reaction to the decisikn was,

“Well maybe this will result in more black and brown babies replacing whites!”

To which,