Sunday, June 19, 2022

COVID-19 BIDEN+514 (June 18)

I have been watching the Times' numbers. The percentage increases depressed me, that's how come I didn't post about them. But in the last few days I've had some cognitive dissonance looking at the Times' box on the front page. For example, +17% Deaths over two weeks but 314/day ave. over the last seven days. We got down to 264/day (ave.) on June 3. Our all-time low is 218/day last July 12 and I thought we were heading that way. But neither did 50 more Deaths/day seem to translate into daily two-week double-digit changes. So finally just now I checked the numbers:

If you iron out the kinks in the Cases fabric the daily number is about where it was on May 18.

Hospitalizations are clearly still on the rise although leveling.

If you iron out Deaths' kinks the number is only slightly higher on June 18 (314) than on May 18 (304). So...I don't know, what would be a decent term for these trends, a "holding pattern"?