Thursday, June 30, 2022


Women Will Save Us

I've written this before: I don't think there is anything Charles Blow has written that I have read that I am not full 100 with.

Men are pack animals. [Men are COCKROACHES, COCKROACHES! (I don't think I'm not full 100 with Mr. Blow on that, I'm just full 1,000]

Not all of us, of course, but male culture is ordered by hierarchies of power, with the apex being the alpha. It can be toxic and problematic, ill-considered and tribal, but it is also deeply embedded in our society and resistant to modification.

The pack mentality is particularly prevalent in politics, where even men of principle drift toward the centers of gravity.

Donald Trump rose to power, and continues to pose a threat to this country, by pretending to be an alpha male and exploiting the pack behavior of politicians, particularly the Republican men with the most power.

Both the men in the Capitol and the man on the street exhibit pack behavior.

This is why I have come to fully, religiously believe that if this country is to be saved, it will be women who do the saving.

In a gym in Brooklyn a few months ago, I overheard a group of friends loudly discussing politics. Two were white, and one was Black.

The two white men were boasting about Trump, how much they loved his bravado. Even if there were drawbacks, they were overcome by this one positive attribute. The Black man interjected with comments about Trump’s racism, but the two white men dodged and dismissed it. They wanted to focus on his strength and his power.


It simply feels in this moment that women, more than men, have a clarity about the danger we face and the courage demanded to fight it.