Monday, June 20, 2016

Ah. That is adorable. Two nuns watching the Philadelphia Phillies, one having a brewski-and maybe taking a selfie. AHHH! That is adorable!

Nuns at baseball games, that's like a thing, isn't it? This is not the first such image I've seen. If it is a thing, why is it a thing? What is the attraction of baseball to nuns? Laid back, lazy, not intense, inexpensive? Probably. You can relax at baseball games. My dad would fall asleep every damn baseball game he took us kids too. Snoring! JESUS Christ, dad. He used to nap on the weekends listening to baseball on the electronic radio machine.

My son has a new girlfriend. Beautiful Cuban-American girl. Their first date, she asked him out, was a baseball game. "REALLY?! How was it son?" "It was weird, dad. I said, 'Sure, why not!," her family's got like season tickets or something, so I studied up on the players to impress her, got really into the game, and she just talked, gossiped. She and her girlfriends go to games, DON'T PAY ATTENTION!, just girl-talk, gossip. We left after the 7th inning." ROFLOL.

You can do that at a baseball game, I bet that's part of the attraction of the game for nuns, too, baseball famously is the one game without momentum. It can just happen, BOOM!, a home run with no warning, and aside from the occasional BOOM! there's a lot of ZZZZZ, lotta inaction, where you can doze or just talk. It's cool!...

...I HATE BASEBALL, we're talking HATE here, I fucking hate the game, it's the most boring thing to watch next to watching grass grow or paint dry. I need to be anesthetized, lobotomized, to watch baseball.

But the Sisters like it, God Bless them, and I bet it's because it is so leisurely, there are no, or few, maniacs (like moi) as there are at action-packed sports like tackle football, short-pants basketball...girls like hockey though! But I think it's because they can see the players' cute faces, and hockey is action-packed and violent. I cannot ever remember seeing a nun at a hockey match though...The Matter of the Nuns is unknown to me at hockey matches. I don't think nuns go to baseball games to see the players' cute faces. You can't see cute faces in a frigging baseball stadium so I think nuns go to baseball games, if they do, and I think they do, the Matter of the Nuns at baseball games is not a matter of first impression with me, because they can chill and nun-talk, and get a little Wild on a Miller Lite! I LOVE THAT PICTURE! A-dor-a-ble.