Sunday, June 26, 2016

"Having Won, Some ‘Brexit’ Campaigners Begin Backpedaling"-New York Times

That's the NEW YORK Times, the home of both BoJo and BoZo. I'd like to see either of those stubby-fingered vulgarians pedal backwards, forwards or sideways.

LONDON — Freed from the shackles of the European Union, Britain’s economy would prosper and its security would increase. Britain would “take back control” of immigration, reducing the number of arrivals. And it would be able to spend about 350 million pounds, or about $470 million, a week more on health care instead of sending the money to Brussels.

Before Thursday’s referendum on the country’s membership in the 28-nation bloc, campaigners for British withdrawal, known as Brexit, tossed out promises of a better future while dismissing concerns raised by a host of scholars and experts as “Project Fear.”

But that was before they won.

...“A lot of things were said in advance of this referendum that we might want to think about again,” Liam Fox, a former cabinet minister, told the BBC, including when and how Article 50 — the formal process for leaving the European Union — should be invoked.

NO! Just say no to re-think. KICK THEM OUT! KICK THEM OUT!