Sunday, June 26, 2016


As Martin Fletcher reminded readers of the New York Times, in 1988 Johnson was sacked from the Times of London for making up a quote – he put words into the mouth of an Oxford don who also happened to be his godfather.

A similar problem cavalier relationship with actuality marked his reporting stint for the Daily Telegraph in Brussels, where he made his name as a colorful character.
[Sonia] Purnell is convinced that Johnson created this double act – saying one thing in public, another in private – as a way of getting on.
He may be about to greatly enhance his own standing, but only at the cost of diminishing that of the country he seeks to lead. opportunistic politician who plays on populist fears about a sluggish economy and immigration to further his own prospects...
And like Trump, he's a pussy. He refused to come out of his house last night as infuriated Londoners demanded he show his face. He thought Remain was going to win and only opposed it to position himself as Cameron's successor. Now, he doesn't WANT the job because Cameron's successor is going to be presiding over the breakup of the UK.

It's our fault. It's New York City's fault! It inflicted both of the Blonde Buffoons on the world.