Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Trump and Rape

This is how Donald Trump's mind works. You can usually tell when he has read or watched something that has made an impression on him because a word or a concept will pop up, sometimes in a context completely removed from politics, and then it will come out of his mouth in a political context.

Rape, the word and concept, have been used not infrequently by Trump. His campaign announcement speech: "Mexican rapists." Never heard of a Mexican rape epidemic! Because there is none.

It is a harsh word, my God, but sometimes he doesn't consider it harsh at all! Not with Mike Tyson, a convicted rapist. He "loves" "Iron Mike," was "proud" to get his endorsement. Els and Gees, this guy Trump has some issue, some conflicting thoughts, they are deep-set, on rape.

He goes to Pennsylvania, to Pittsburgh of all places-Now he doesn't know much about Pennsylvania-and he makes the first word association that pops into his mind and it's a rape association: "Hey Joe Paterno, how's he doing? We gonna bring him back?"

TPP is "rape." Said that three times. "Harsh word." Yep. Isn't it WEIRD that rolling around in this guy's mind was TPP and rape-Well, I think rape is frequently in his mind-and he word-associated them. TPP was an agreement negotiated and agreed to by government heads. The gravaman of rape is lack of consent. The gravaman of a negotiated agreement is consent. They are opposites. TPP may be a terrible deal, just terrible-it came about precisely the opposite of how rape occurs, it came about through agreement among "freely consenting adults," rape is forced, non-consensual. It is precisely the opposite metaphor for TPP. But instead of taking a page from "The Art of the Deal," Trump invokes rape.

There is something going on in Trump's mind on the issue of rape and it's all mixed up. I don't know what is loose in there but I believe this:

Donald Trump will never be president.