Friday, November 22, 2013

It happened right now, a half century ago. I remember. I have remembered for a half century. I was in third grade.

I remember a teacher coming into the classroom to tell our teacher. I can still see the look on her face. I remember when both teachers left. I remember leaning out a window with a friend and telling him that I thought "critical condition" meant that he was going to be "okay."

I remember hearing the name "Lee Harvey Oswald" over and over again.

I remember the coffin. I remember his little boy's salute. And my mother's moan.

I remember the dull sun flashing off the chrome of the official cars. I remember the procession and that wild horse. I remember how silent the streets were. I remember hearing the horses hoofs click on the road surface. I remember the caisson and the coffin. And I remember the drums. Those evil drums. I remember their sound crashing off those silent streets. I remember their echo.