Thursday, April 17, 2014

Greater Russia.

It would be so much easier if the Russian-wannabes just moved to Russia. "Give me your Russian-speaking tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to have their breath constricted and their chests compressed." Ah, but Putin doesn't want that. His vision of "Greater Russia" is territorial. Putin really doesn't want more huddled masses, he wants more land. As a buffer to invasion by Lithuania. Et al. The appeal to Russian-speaking huddled masses is just the hook. He wants the land, to bring more and more land under Russian control. Conquest. Pretty much garden variety conquest, that's what he wants. Okay, my bad. Sanction-away. Probably would be pretty difficult to distinguish between non-punitive "divorce," "conscious uncoupling," "Farewell to Russia," and punitive sanctions, anyway. Not impossible, but difficult. No, sanction-away. "Light arms?" No. No more firepower, not even fire with the power of a candle. Ukraine's got tanks; they had six more tanks two days ago than they have now. They didn't use them.There has been precious little bled shed in Russia's invasion so far, why send them Glocks?