Monday, April 28, 2014

The NBA's Racism.

Silver's holding a press conference later today. Nobody is predicting he is going to force Sterling ne Tokowitz out of ownership. Dallas' owner, Mark Cuban, has stated publicly Sterling should not be forced out. The reason, according to a former executive with another team, is that the most important color to Official NBA and owners like Cuban is neither black nor white but green. It is America's birth curse: the pursuit of happiness.

Very well. The NBA should be deprived of as much of that green money, as much of America's version of happiness, as possible.

I don't own a ticket, don't even own a TV. What can I do? I have no green to withhold, I can't do shit. My interest, that is the only thing I have. I loved the NBA. I have a sick feeling in my stomach I am so disappointed. If the NBA cannot kick Donald Sterling out of the league for this, then it wishes to continue its association with a virulent racist; then it supports racism. That NBA does not deserve to continue to exist.

More and more I have isolated myself over the years, withdrawing from this, withholding from that. Very well. I withhold my interest in the NBA, withdraw, walk away. Farewell to the NBA.