Tuesday, January 13, 2015


One night in early 2009 I had a dream that was remarkable in that I remembered it the next day. This was the dream:

I was on a cruise ship. I was not a passenger on the ship but a worker. Within sight of shore the ship began to sink, like the Costa Concordia. I was down below deck but even with the water line which I could see through windows was rising as the ship sank. Since we were near shore I could see rescue helicopters circling. There was a television in the area where I was working with a friend and I and my friend were watching us sink on television as well as...in real life. 

Don't know how the dream ended, I guess I woke up at that point. The dream was remarkable not only for being remembered but because it was plausible--That could have happened to someone, somewhere, sometime--it was not some phantasmagoria. 

Last weekend I was at CCC's house and I pulled up on my computer "Nixon in China," a documentary put together by the Nixon Library. Interspersed with video footage were recordings taken from the audio diary of H.R. (Bob) Haldeman, Nixon's Chief of Staff: