Friday, April 22, 2016

Obama And The Monarchs

The Saudis sent a deputy prothonotary to greet the President of the United States the other day. Now POTUS is in Britain. For the Queen's 90th birthday. And while Her Majesty's subjects vote on "Brexit," British exit from the European Union.

Obama was advanced in Britain by his op-ed in the Telegraph urging...suggesting that Brits vote NO. The Tory Mayor of London, Boris Johnson, saw Obama's hand and raised him, publishing his own op-ed in the Sun. In which Boris called out the president for the "mysterious" disappearance of the bust of Winston Churchill from the Oval Office on Obama's first day as prez.

Boris went on. "Some said,"  Boris said, the Chexit was a "snub" to Britain. "Some said it was a symbol of the part-Kenyan president's ancestral dislike of the British empire." Boris went on, which we take the liberty of summarizing as "Butt out and go back to America or Kenya or wherever you're from."

Well that blew up mighty fast, didn't it?

Obama just doesn't get along with anybody. He pisses people off even when he's not trying to.