Thursday, April 21, 2016

"Trump: Tubman on the $20 bill is 'pure political correctness'"-CNN

It has come to this: it is politically incorrect for Republicans to be politically correct.

Of course it is political correctness to replace white male Andrew Jackson, an owner of slaves, who never freed a one, even at his death, with black female Harriet Tubman, a slave herself, who helped free other slaves! It is the politically correct thing to do. That makes it incorrect for Trump because Trump is a racist. "Make America White Again," that is the code in which Trump has spoken this entire campaign, it is the basis of his appeal to other racists like David Duke. "Take America Back!"-from black people,-like Barack Obama-from Mexican people, from Muslims, from all non-whites. "Blue-eyed, blond-haired" neo-Nazis, welcome. "They took down our flag," said a Ted Cruz commercial in South Carolina, appealing, unsuccessfully for Cruz in that instance, to the same racist substratum that exists and has existed for half a century in the Republican Party. To all of whom I wish to make speaks: FUCK all yinz.