Saturday, January 28, 2017

...the press may be tempted toward — and richly rewarded for — a kind of hysterical oppositionalism, a mirroring of Trump’s own tabloid style and disregard for truth.
The danger for the established the same danger facing other institutions in our republic: that while believing themselves to be nobly resisting Trump, they end up imitating him.
Such imitation will inspire reader loyalty and passion — up to a point. But beyond that point it’s more likely to polarize than to persuade, which means it often does a demagogue’s work for him.
Fellow journalists, don’t do it.

That is near the first and is the last few paragraphs of a Ross Douhat column last week. I agree with those and disagree by varying degrees with everything in between, pretty typical for me with a Douthat column. As if anyone cares.