Friday, January 20, 2017

Every fucking picture he's got that fucking beard. I don't remember the fucking beard...

I guess I am mistaken about the beard. Here's one that I remember republishing. NO! Trump is not the one with the beard and wearing the bear hat and holding the tiger. That is Ramzan. Trump is the gay gentleman on the left. Maybe I didn't notice the beard for all that other fur. Okay. Let me get another picure of Ramzan without the fucking bear on his head to compare with the Bosnian Beast.

Oh! Here's one of the Beast WITH a beard!

Huh? Whadid I tell ya?... Okay, not the best but you see it, right? C'mon. Okay, I have more.

Okay, look, I don't know if this fucking guy is Amish, Jewish, or what, okay? He has a thing-on-his-head fetish, okay? Just look at the facial features.

You know how some people, when cell phones first came out, always had the cell phone up to their ear in public? That's the first cell phone in Chechnya.

This is one of the strangest goddamned sports photographs I've ever seen. 

The Beast is on the left, a fellow member of the tribe is on the right. In between is, what the fuck is his name...Blake...No, not Edwards...Griffin, I think. Different ethnic team. These three dopes are seemingly fighting for a rebound, but they're all smiling...Is that studio posed? But I see indicia of an arena. A light. Some blurry people. Weird. Anyway, that photo is for the smile. Compare with Ramzan:

Arright, I think I've fucking made my point. One more set.

Okay? Yeah, the defense rests and moves for a directed verdict. Case closed. You're welcome.