Thursday, March 23, 2017

I Shall Not Repeat Lies. I Shall Not Repeat Lies...

A President's Credibility

The alt-right Wall Street Journal does repeat some of De Facto's lies but under that analytical rhubric, and it works. (I shall adhere strictly to Publocc policy.)

The first paragraph:

If President Trump announces that North Korea launched a missile that landed within 100 miles of Hawaii, would most Americans believe him? Would the rest of the world? We’re not sure, which speaks to the damage that Mr. Trump is doing to his Presidency with his seemingly endless stream of exaggerations, evidence-free accusations, implausible denials and other falsehoods.

[That is good! The analytical superstructure is set right at the start and with a compelling, not implausible "What if?" That casts the problem in a new light. The old light, fact-checking, has become a dim bulb from overuse, casting little light on the unique problem of a man occupying the White House who is a compulsive, unrepentant liar. A near synonym of compulsion is...]

Yet the President clings to his assertion like a drunk to an empty gin bottle...
As he is learning with the health-care bill, Mr. Trump needs partners in his own party to pass his agenda. He also needs friends abroad who are willing to trust him when he asks for support, not least in a crisis.
...the week has been dominated by the news that he was repudiated by his own FBI director.

Two months into his Presidency, Gallup has Mr. Trump’s approval rating at 39%. No doubt Mr. Trump considers that fake news, but if he doesn’t show more respect for the truth most Americans may conclude he’s a fake President.