Sunday, March 19, 2017


Few postworthy public occurrences before extinguishing the lights. We'll give it a whirl by rank-ordering them according to the mission statement of the original Publick Occurrences, "To encourage knowledge of affairs at home and abroad; to cure the spirit of lying which prevails amongst us; to record memorable providences"-September 25, 1690.

1.(a) Secretary of State Rex Tillerson is in Beijing talking about "all options are on the table" to counter the DPRK's nuclear program while China has urged "cool-headed thinking."  A military strike is not without risks, to state the obvious and I, to state the obvious, to do not have an itemization of those risks. For as long as I have been writing this latter-day Public Occurrences, however, I have been constitutionally inclined to obliterate the North (and much of the Muslim world, as well.). We have 50,000 troops in South Korea, the North's sites are hardened, literal fallout, nuclear fallout, would envelope eastern China, the South, probably Japan and unless it is a nuclear first strike that obliterates the regime of racist dwarfs, and millions of people's lives too, there is no risk-free, collateral free option. If we strike we must strike to obliterate. Whatever does not kill the DPRK only makes it stronger, to paraphrase Nietzsche. I want this solved, I have wanted this solved for fifteen years. I can buy nuclear obliteration of the North. Virtually nobody else can, not even the De Factos.

1. (b) Chuck Berry, who has the consensus claim as inventor of Rock and Roll, died today at age 90.

1. (c) a Muslim man shouting "I am here to die for Allah," used a policewoman as a shield at Orly airport in Paris, was obliged by the gendarme. No one else was killed from what I know.

2. Trump lies about, well, a whole lot of things. Most recently that President Obama "wiretapped" Trump Tower. Why the Obamas would not have done everything, including wiretapping T.T. given the evidence that Trump is an unwitting tool of the Russian Federation is beyond my comprehension. Based upon what I know, Trump should be charged with some treason-like offense and face impeachment, conviction, and double digit years in prison or the gas chamber. But there are so many lies. His claim that GCHQ did the "Obama wiretapping" of  the facility with gold toilets has been debunked and is being ridiculed ty our special relationshipists in Britain but sharper pencils than this cannot "cure" this "lying." It is finger-in-the-dyke impossible from what I can see and, if the Fourth Estate would exercise restraint and not act as amplifier for De Facto's lies, they would die in darkness under their rocks.

3. Memorable providences, those messages from God implicating witches, I am not familiar existing in 2017.


We had some real upsets later in the afternoon and evening in scholarly short pants basketball today. The defending national champs, Villanova, were knocked out of the "Big Dance" by Wisconsin. Third-seeded Florida State embarrassingly was blown out by 11th-seeded Xavier.

In the NBA, Atlanta, within hailing distance of Miami, lost and Cleveland, not within hailing distance lost; Milwaukee, one half game ahead of Miami has not lost just yet, but are well on their way to losing on Golden Pond. It's 82-59 late in the third, Splash. Chicago won but are a game and a half behind Miami.

In MLS, damn if Minnesota United didn't get their first point of the season. They drew with Colorado in the Rockies 2-2. I would have bet an unwise amount of renminbi that United would have become untied once agin. I would have been wrong.

NYCFC played their first home match at Yankee Stadium and drew a paltry 18,515 pageviewers.

And that's the way it is. Saturday, March 18, 2017. For Public Occurrences, this is Benjamin Harris. Good night.