Sunday, September 24, 2017


Never read Trump more Trumpian than he was in Huntsville, Alabama Friday.  He took on the National Football League. He was lashing out at everybody.

Trump only goes where he is popular. Closed venues. He only talks about poll numbers when they're good for him. He ignores "alternative facts". Until he can't.

I saw a headline today, didn't read the article: Trump's lawyers' latest tact is to paint Trump as a "victim" of the Russian investigation. That means they have given up trying to convince investigators Trump did nothing criminal. They know Trump is going to get indicted and they are playing to the jury now. There is no other way out for their client. (Mueller's gonna kill him dead.)

Seventeen U.S. intelligence agencies concluded that the Russians interfered in the 2016 election. Former director of the Defense Intelligence Agency James Clapper said (the same day Trump spoke in Alabama, too) that within the intelligence community Russian interference "cast doubt" upon the legitimacy of the November 8 Catastrophe.

What is the thing that most gets under the skin of Trump and his supporters?

Racist? Please.

Fascist? They don't even know how to spell it.

Stupid? We are "street smart"; we have "instincts."

This is from my favorite Trump rally, March4Trump, March 4 (get it?), in Minneapolis. Look at the sign in circle.

The taunt that most gets to Trump and his supporters is that Trump is illegitimate. That he and they are fools in other words, played unknowingly by the Russians. Remember last summer, the former acting head of the CIA wrote that U.S. intelligence had concluded that Trump was "a tool, witting, or unwitting of the Russian Federation"? "Tool": rhymes with "fool." "Useful fools," is the term attributed to Lenin for dupes of the Soviets. Trump blew it off at the time. "Yeah, this is the same CIA that said Iraq had wmd." He has not blown it off since--still denies, of course!. Seventeen. That is not an alternative fact that you can ignore, that is fact. Until he can't.

Remember Sean Spicer's first (I think it was his first) press conference? Trump at the time believed that his inauguration crowd was larger than Obama's, the largest in history (of course). National Park Service estimates? PHOTOS? Spicer felt obliged as a submissive cuck to parrot his master's words.

Remember "alternative facts"? You don't hear as much about alternative facts as you used to. In his own first press conference (I think) Trump said he had gotten more electoral votes than anyone since Reagan. "Well, that's what I was told," he responded to a dumbfounded reporter.

Trump repeatedly touts himself as "very smart," "a very good brain," "went to all the best schools." He believes it. Until he can't. ("Nambia" is the latest.) And then it's his "instincts," I may not know a lot but "I have very good instincts."

When Trump is confronted with stubborn facts he goes to Alabama, or Kentucky, or Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, alternative universes of interesting people with alternative facts who worship him. Among his supporters he "could shoot a man" and not lose them. Trump "loves" his "high school educated supporters" which means that he doesn't, which means that he knows, that it reflects dully on him and he wishes they went to the best schools and had very good brains but they didn't and they don't and I can use them. They are my "useful fools."

Trump supporters know they're not smart. They have not accomplished much in their lives. They are losers in their own minds, never could got the cheerleaders in high school, have always been told that they are dumb, are losers, but...look at that sign again. "IT WAS ME! I'M RESPONSIBLE FOR DONALD TRUMP GETTING ELECTED..." I finally did something with my life, accomplished something. "DON'T TAKE IT AWAY FROM ME!" is the subtext. It was "NOT THE RUSSIANS." His supporters will never let go of Trump. He is all they have, all they have ever had.

Everybody, smart or dumb, best schools or high schools, is humiliated by being played the fool. For Donald Trump?! The worst thing imaginable for Trump is that HE, "The Art of the Deal," "I never fall for scams" (Ali G), Donald Trump was an "unwitting" agent of the Russians. Better to be a witting agent! That is what you saw and heard and read in Trump in Huntsville, Alabama on Friday. That is what you see in his lawyers' latest tact. To play the victim ploy, the useful fool, that is humiliating for Trump. He knows the gig is up and that's the last card he can play.

Trump "unwittingly" wearing cuckold's horns. What is a cuckold? An unwitting husband of an adulteress.