Saturday, September 16, 2017

This Is Weird

At least 21 American embassy officials have suffered injury or sickness or something in Havana, Cuba since November, 2016:

Diplomats and their families were getting sick. Some described bizarre, unexplained sounds, including grinding and high-pitched ringing. Victims even recounted how they could walk in and out of what seemed like powerful beams of sound that hit only certain rooms or even only parts of rooms, the AP reported this week.

Toldja it was weird. Some of the...unwell have permanent hearing loss and have mild brain damage.

Weirder, it ain't the Cubans who are doin' whatever is being done. Raul Castro is so baffled he has told the State Department to send the FBI down!

Only thing I can think, "grinding and high-pitched ringing" causing brain damage is somebody is listening to taped speeches of Ann Coulter.