Ann Coulter and Bill Kristol's tweets today. Neither mention Las Vegas in any way.
Okay, one, a retweet. Nothing by him.
Do not tell me that is not weird. That is WEIRD!
GOP describing bill to cut HILARIOUS tax benefits to pro football franchises ...
Alex Witt: "Why are you singling out black people?"
Bill Kristol Retweeted
Harsh and funny review of Stephen Greenblatt's book on Adam and Eve, by Annalisa Quinn.
Bill Kristol Retweeted
Woke up this morning after Yom Kippur with fall weather and "new start" feeling, so sad to learn of senseless murders in Las Vegas.
It is, Sir, a small train. And yet there are those who love it. Sort of.
Bill Kristol Retweeted
Do the parties actually exchange “deficit-hawk” and “who cares?” t-shirts when power shifts or is it more informal?
Obama advisor @jasonfurman complements the arguments of Irwin Stelzer of @weeklystandard. …
Must read--@alexburnsNYT on the Acela, a mere train that has become a legend in its own time.
An interesting piece on the Virginia governor race.