Tuesday, October 03, 2017

We are out of ideas!

The silence of Ann Coulter and Bill Kristol yesterday was death-like, they could not even react as live, minimally functioning human beings, much less exhibit the higher functions of analysis, diagnosis, prescription. Their voices were silent as those of corpses. The Right is frigid, impotent, dysfunctional, bereft of ideas, they have nothing to say and yesterday they said nothing.

Las Vegas sheriff Joseph Lombardo showed the state of things for law enforcement: "We're angry, we're grieving, we're confused," Sheriff Lombardo said. He had only emotion, the higher faculties were "confused." "I cannot get into the mind of a psychopath," he demurred, well-knowing that that is precisely what law enforcement does. Stephen Paddock defied every police profiler attempting to identify psychopathic minds beforehand. A man who made his living gambling, Paddock beat the house one last time Sunday night.

The White House Press Secretary was humanly emotional but as to the higher functions she had this to say:

"It would be premature for us to discuss policy..."

Pre-mature? It is POST-mature, madam! When you have nothing to say, when your head is empty of ideas, when you are at the nerve center of national policy and the nerves stimulate NO BRAIN ACTIVITY, best to cut the nerves to the mouth. Follow the examples of Coulter and Kristol.

Google and Facebook again showed that they are inhuman machines at the mercy of their algorithms and bots, impotent to the fake news onslaught, deaf as machines to the criticisms of Congress.

We are failing. We are functioning at a minimal human level when we function at all. We are rudderless, we are out of ideas, we are paralyzed, we are adrift and circling a black hole.